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We developed JavaScript/TypeScript SDK library for Node.js in order to make it easier to use Architect services. The library should spare your time and effort, so you can focus on building great apps and beautiful UIs. You can read bellow how easy it is to use.

Getting started#


npm install architect-node-sdk


import client from './architect-node-sdk';
const architect = client({
baseUrl: '', // Your project url
developerKey: 'a36632cc-d6c5-4535-8051-56325bd1ed59', // Project developer key


When you create architect instance using architect(config: ArchitectConfig): ArchitectSDK function you should provide the following configurations:

baseUrlrequiredstringAbsolute url to your project domain.
developerKeyrequiredstringDeveloper key related to your project.
recommendedCaseoptionalbooleantrueDefines whether the SDK will convert names of properties from camelCase to snake_case before sending and after receiving them.

API reference#

Managing resources#

There is no limit how a resource can be named as long the name isn't one of reserved words.

You can call it whatever you like and architect SDK will provide you methods for CRUD actions on it.
We recommend using plural nouns for resource names.

To access these you should simply call architect.<resource-name> and it will return you a service with the following methods:

  • Fetching all resources:

    getAll(options?: Options): Promise<ArchitectResource[]>


    ParameterRequired/OptionalTypeDefault valueDescription
    authKeyoptionalstringAuth token of an authenticated project user.
    perPageoptionalnumber20Number of records that will be returned by API, maximum value is 100.
    lastReadIdoptionalstringId of last fetched record, used for fetching the next page. If no value is provided API will return first n records.
  • Fetching a single resource:

    get(resourceId: string, options?: Options): Promise<ArchitectResource>

  • Creating a resource:

    create(resourceData: Record<String, any>, options?: Options): Promise<ArchitectResource>

  • Updating a resource:

    update(resourceId: string, resourceData: Record<String, any>, options?: Options): Promise<ArchitectResource>

  • Deleting a resource:

    delete(resourceId: string, options?: Options): Promise<boolean>

Currently, ArchitectResource is equivalent to Record<string, any> but in the future it will contain many useful utilities.

Options for all methods except getAll is equivalent to { authKey?: string } where authKey is auth token of an authenticated project user.

Example usage#

Here is the example how you can manage books resource using SDK.

// This will return all books
const allBooks = await architect.books.getAll();
// This will return single book with id = '5';
const specialBook = await architect.books.get('5');
// Create a new book
const newBook = await architect.books.create({
name: 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer',
author: 'Mark Twain',
// Update book with id = '5'
const updatedBook = await architect.books.update('5', {
numberOfPages: 366
// Delete book with id = '5'
await architect.books.delete('5');

Reserved names#

The following words cannot be used as resource name.

  • users - reserved for project user resource.
  • files - reserved for the service which is used for managing files.

Managing files#

Architect SDK comes with files service for managing files. It contains the following methods:

  • Single file upload

    upload(file: File, options?: Options): Promise<ArchitectFileResource>

  • Bulk upload

    uploadBulk(files: File[], options?: Options): Promise<ArchitectFileResource[]>

Currently, ArchitectFileResource is equivalent to { url: string }.

Options for all methods except getAll is equivalent to { authKey?: string } where authKey is auth token of an authenticated project user.

Example usage#

Single file upload
.then((file) => {
// Manage uploaded file
// { url: ''}
.catch((error) => {
// Handle upload error
Bulk upload
.then((files) => {
// Manage uploaded files
// [{ url: ''}, { url: ''}, ...]
.catch((error) => {
// Handle upload error


You can do all the actions on resources and files as an authenticated project user.

All you should do is to simply provide authKey that belongs to a project user, as option of resource/file action.

For example:

await architect.books.create({ ...newBookData }, { authKey: 'example-auth-key' });